Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I don't vote because voting is evil and a waste of time.

I don't vote because if you vote, you can't complain about what the politicians you elected do to you.

I don't vote because voting has given us such great things as pretty much every war in American history, the Wall Street Bailout, property tax increases, the Federal Reserve, and the American Presidency.

I don't vote because the government wants me to- and the government only wants what is good for it.

I don't vote because Sarah Palin called my house and asked me to.

I don't vote because all voting amounts to is directing politicians to spend money that was never theirs in the first place.

If voting were legitimate they'd give you the option to abolish the whole coercive organization.

If voting were legitimate then ballots would not be secret.

If voting were legitimate there would be a way to independently verify the ballots, instead of electronic machines manufactured by one single corporation.

If voting were legitimate they'd make it illegal.

Voting is expressing your confidence in a corporate-state power structure that is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

Voting is the most obvious symbol of the blasphemous civic religion.

Voting is a suggestion box for slaves; it's a child begging the bully for some of his milk money back.

Voting is giving implicit consent to the imprisonment of over a million people for nonviolent crimes.

Voting is the ultimate act of futility, of giving in to the cancer that has invaded American society.

So yeah, I'll be staying home on the 4th, or whatever day the election commission has decided to stage The Great Facade of Choice. Because if you vote you can't complain.